Basements with damp

Other frequent categories, are constituted by those problems of infiltration in structures for storage (e.g.: swimming pools) and in basement (e.g.: cellars).

For both cases, settlements, cracks and the utilize of inappropriate materials are the motive of infiltrations. The decay and the erosion created in the basements it’s no more so than the breaking up of the internal surfaces situated in the ground (cellars or basements) caused by the negative counterthrust of the water from the lying behind.

Against the localized or wide infiltrations, the first need is to counteract the decay caused by the permeation of the liquids, with waterproofing treatments able to act also in the opposite areas where the infiltration begins.

The counter-ground waterproofing treatments, are usually very complicated. In fact, they require variables and solutions in the application and also in the study of the construction site. For this reason, it’s suggested to act when the groundwater and rainfalls are particularly scanty. Furthermore, the use of opearative products together with the block of the uninterrupted drop, or suitable products for the passivation of the bending fixtures, like Hidra Flash and Hidra Grip – are particularly helpful during the first application phase. Finally, the thickening of the product is fundamental in the case of corners near the connections between walls and floor (reinforcement parabola).

Negative waterproofing cycle

Treat the wholly height of the structure or in any case till at least one meter from the level of the ground at the back. Act on the row surfaces, if necessary remove paints, plastering and levelling through mechanical scratch or sandblast. Roughen the reinforced concrete if too smooth or treat it with acid and hydro washing.

On cracks or hedges with a continuous dripping of the surface, it’s necessary to block the leak for the period required to the complete desiccation of the cycle. Extend the opening and insert Hidra Flash. Treat the banding fixtures with Hidra Grip.

Fase 2

Remove the incoherent surfaces and the too fragile areas till to reach the proper surface. Hose down the area. Apply the first coat of Hegea 2.0, introduce the fibre net.

After 12 hours at least, damp the area again. Apply the second coat of Hegea 2.0 (total thick about 5mm).

If the fibre net is inserted, it’s not necessary to wait for the second application. It’s suggested to use fibre net 150/160 gr Pay special attention to the lay on of the fibre net in a sole piece, in correspondence of the corner between the wall and the floor, making a reinforcement parabola of about 10cm each side, along all the connection.

Fase 3

After 12 hours at least, damp again and proceed applying the finishing Hegea 0.8, 0.6 or 0.3 (thickness 1mm), or as alternative employ the Plus variant.

Complete the cycle damping the area and applying Hegea 0.0 waterproofing.


The joint utilize of the Hegea levelling plasters and Hegea 0.0 waterproofing, constitutes a block to the transit of the water molecules and water vapour, in this way the basement can counteract the infiltrations coming from the back.